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  • 13 GästebuchDatum15.06.2008 16:20
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum FUN
    Ich verweise hier einmal auf unser Gästebuch das jemand voller Freude die ganze zeit zuspamt... ich finds witzig und solange er daran Spaß at soll er ruhig zur unterhaltung aller weitermachen.

    jeze funzt der link.
  • Bei ICQ wieder einmal was im BuschDatum28.05.2008 14:03
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Technikerecke

    Seid heute Mittag haben 1000ende wieder einmal Probleme mit Versionenen von ICQ unter 6.0.
    Also, es sieht so aus das Password wird aus der gespeicherten Zeile gelöscht und bei neuer korrekter Eingabe taucht eine Fehlermeldung auf die besagt dass das Password falsch ist. Ich kann selber nicht sagen woher dieser Fehler kommt ich weiß nur das ihn jedemänge Menschen haben. Ich selber besitze ICQ 6 deshalb empfehle ich jedem der das Problem hat sich die aktuellste Version zu installieren!

  • Forgotten Hope 2.15Datum28.05.2008 13:27
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum ForgottenHope
    Ja ihr habt richtig gelesen gestern ist ein neues Update auf der FH Seite erschienene damit ihr es direkt erfahrt stell ich euch nur den Link hier rein muss mir det erstmal jeze durchlesen :)
    Zudem wurden neue Normandie waffen veröffentlicht: Stgw 44 ZF Carabiner Panzerfaust 60/100 Springfield FH und Stielhandgranate
    FH Seite
  • 2 nicht identifizierbare Personen im TsDatum12.05.2008 16:25
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum FUN

    Heute kam ich auf unsern ts, da trieben sich 2 Russen oder Chinesen rum^^ neben 6 anderen (weiß garnet wo die alle herkommen) aufjedenfall war irgendwie witzig die hat man nicht verstanden und der eine erinnerte mich stark an wolf, aber hört selber.

  • Company of Heroes OF TeamDatum29.03.2008 11:54
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Join us

    Jaaa ich mach's ganz bewusst hier rein, da ich evtl auch natürlich Gäste ansprechen will.

    Ich suche 1-3 Leute die das oben genannte Add on zu CofH besitzen. Wie ihr ja wisste ist es en stand alone Add on...
    Ich bevorzuge die Panzerelite... suche folglich 1. Panzerspezialist und 2 Brithisespezialisten.

    Das ziel der Aktion ist ein "Squad" er ein kleines Team für 2on2 Wars und Matches zu bilden...
    Also nichts großes was auch kein große Trainingszeiten benötigt max 1 mal die Woche und es auch kein große Sache sein soll... nur da wir jetzt ein IL2 "squad" und ein RO "Squad" haben wollt ich auch mal mit meiner privatarmee nachlegen :D die dann aber auch wirklich existieren würd

  • Beschwerde ForumDatum27.01.2008 17:26
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Forum?!

    Also falls jemandem die Einträge gelöscht werden kann er sich ab heute hier beschweren.
    Mir geht langsam das Beitrag gelösche der Mods etwas zu weit und stell hier praktisch en kleines Forum bereit in dem man eine Beschwerde einreichen kann, werd das dann nach verfolgen und bearbeiten.

  • Pläne...Datum19.12.2007 22:03
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Historik
    Hier schaut mal ich gefunden habe... was halltet ihr davon?!

  • MEinungen zu FH2Datum16.12.2007 11:21
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum ForgottenHope

    FH2 is irwie langweilig...

  • Server umgestalltetDatum29.11.2007 19:33
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Ts-Server

    So wer noch nich aufem Server heute Abend war wirds dann jeze sehn
    Im mom siets so aus:

  • Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum FUN


    User Good Night White pride hält sich in unserem channel auf:
    Alles weiter könnt ihr euch anhören es war ein kurzes aber witziges gespräch!
    DOWNLOAD! sind nur 30 secunden sollte schnell gehn!

  • Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum ForgottenHope
    Bin mir nich ganz sicher ob das das gleiche Mappack is wie das andere was ich mal reingesetzte habe zum Anschauen!
    Abder hier sind auch mal en paar sehr interessante Bilder dabei!


    E:/ Es ist das gleiche^^ aber jeze habt ihr halt noch bilder dazu :)

    In Antwort auf:

    (This pic is a -=PFC=- sample from us...the mappack won´t be named Atlantic mappack!)

    taken from filefront:

    -Vehicle names in ALL CAPS are CUSTOM MADE for the map.
    -Most of these new vehicles are modified FH or Bf1942 models. The only models and skins that I can take full credit for are the Cape Hatteras lighthouse,
    icebergs, PBY Catalina, Ki-45 Toryu and Ko-Hyoteki Type A midget submarine.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: Britain vs. Germany
    Theater: Arctic
    Location: Off the north coast of Norway.
    Date: Late 1942
    Theme: Sea/Air
    Gameplay: Conquest Head-on
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Night
    Terrain: Ocean

    Britain: 2 Fletcher class destroyers, 2 escort carriers, 6 Liberty Ships, 3 Fairey Swordfish armed with depth charges, 3 Grumman Martlet Mk.1 fighters.
    Germany: 3 Type VIIC U-boats, 1 TYPE IXB FLEET U-BOAT, 1 TYPE XIV "MILCHKUH" SUPPLY U-BOAT, 2 Torpedoschnellboot, 2 Ju88 bombers, 2 Bf109 fighters.

    Background: The United States began supplying lend-lease material to the United Kingdom and the USSR in 1941. Beacause of the Axis presence controlling
    access to the Baltic and Black Seas, there were only 3 ways to get war material to the USSR - by land through Iran, by sea to Vladivostok and then over
    4,000 miles of rail through Siberia, or by convoy through the Arctic Ocean around Norway to the northern ports of Archangelesk and Murmansk. The northern
    route was fraught with danger from the rough seas and icebergs, not to mention German surface raiders, U-boats and land based bombers. The most infamous
    Arctic convoy was PQ-17, which scattered due to a false report that the German battleship Tirpitz was headed towards the convoy. German U-boats and aircraft
    then picked off the transports one by one, sinking 24 out of 35 ships. These losses, coupled with losses on other convoys forced the Allies to wait until the arrival of winter to send out more convoys.

    This map takes place during "Polar Night", the time of year in the Arctic during which there is 24-hour darkness. The Northern Lights are in the sky, and
    uncharted icebergs dot the ocean. The Allied convoy is protected by 2 destroyers and 2 escort carriers. The Germans have a force of submarines and torpedo
    boats, as well as land based aircraft. The map is a conquest map with 3 control points in the ocean. The Allied Liberty Ships do not respawn when sunk. If
    you end up sunk, lifeboats are available. You'll need them - the water kills in minutes.

    SPECIAL NOTE: Changes to Submarines:
    -Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 MG34 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."

    -Type VIIC submarine has 1x88mm deck gun and 1x20mm AA gun.
    -Type VIIC submarine has 14 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 2 reloads (12 total) and 1 stern tube with 1 reload (2 total).
    -Type IXB submarine is larger and faster than Type VIIC, has greater torpedo capacity (22), more AA (2x20mm), has heavier deck gun (105mm), more HP's.
    -Type IXB submarine has 22 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads (16 total) and 2 stern tubes with 2 reloads (6 total).
    -Type XIV submarine has no torpedoes, extra AAA (3x20mm), can resupply and repair submarines and torpedo boats.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Real-BadSeed
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Philippines
    Location: Bataan Peninsula, Philippines
    Date: May 1942
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Hazy
    Terrain: Jungle Swamp

    Background: After capturing most of the Philippines, the remaining American and Filipino troops retreated to the Bataan Peninsula. There they prepared to
    make a last stand against the Japanese advance. This map takes place in a jungle swamp, with a river running down the middle.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Lili Marlene
    Teams: Canada vs. Germany
    Theater: Italy
    Location: Ortona, Italy
    Date: December 20-28, 1943
    Theme: Mixed Arms
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Mountainous

    Background: During the battles along the German Winter Line, the German-held town of Ortona straddled an important coastal road. Canadian soldiers were
    tasked with capturing the town, which they did after 8 days of bitter street fighting while suffering heavy casualties. This map takes place in mountainous
    coastal terrain.

    ************************************************** *********
    ************************************************** *********
    By: Real-BadSeed
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Leyte Gulf, Philippines
    Date: October 23-26, 1944
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Night
    Terrain: Ocean

    Background: The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the Imperial Japanese Navy's last great attempt to challenge the American fleet. This map recreates a nighttime
    attack by a Japanese battleship and destroyers against the US fleet.

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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: near Utah Beach, Normandy, France
    Date: June 6, 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Objective (Americans attack) (Conquest-Assault in Co-op/SP mode)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Overcast
    Terrain: Bocage/trenches
    USA: None
    Germany: LEFH18 105MM HOWITZER
    Objectives: Destroy all 4 German 105mm howitzers

    Background: In the morning of June 6, 1944, after the nighttime parachute drop into Normandy, Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st
    Airborne Division was tasked with silencing a German artillery battery of 4 105mm guns situated at Brecourt Manor, which were firing on Allied troops
    landing at Utah Beach. 17 men from Easy Company assaulted the trenches around the German guns, which were defended by around 60 German soldiers. The men
    were able to use the trenches as cover to spike the guns and withdraw under fire, returning later with reinforcements to mop up the remaining German

    This map is an objective based map. In multiplayer, the goal is for the Americans to attack the German trenches and destroy the guns with satchel charges.
    If the Americans do this before their tickets run out, they will win. If the Germans can hold them off until their tickets run out, the Germans will win.
    In singleplayer and co-op mode, the map is a Conquest-Assault map due to AI limitations.

    -101st Airborne skins are by Hanley and from the map The Attack on Carentan-1944 by Pvt. Allen. Used with permission.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Western Germany/Low Countries
    Date: Winter 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Foggy
    Terrain: Forest

    Background: This is a fictional map taking place in the forests of western Europe during the winter of 1944. This map takes place in densely forested
    terrain with snow on the ground.

    -Neither team has a permanent base on this map.

    ************************************************** *********
    ************************************************** *********
    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island Jungle
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands

    Background: This is a fictional battle over a Pacific island covered with jungle.

    ************************************************** *********
    ************************************************** *********
    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island Jungle
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands

    Background: This is a much bigger version of Island-16, intended for more players.

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    By: Bonta Kun
    Teams: Britain vs. Italy
    Theater: North Africa
    Location: North Africa
    Date: January 24, 1941
    Theme: Tanks/Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Desert

    Background: After the Italian invasion of Egypt, British forces launched a counterattack in December 1940 which decisively defeated the Italian forces, drove
    them out of Egypt and captured much of Libya. On January 24th, British and Australian troops fell upon retreating Italian forces near Mechili, knocking out
    9 Italian tanks for the loss of 1 cruiser tank and 6 light tanks.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Atlantic
    Location: Off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
    Date: Spring 1942
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Objective (Germans attack)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Ocean with barrier islands
    USA: 2 Fletcher class destroyers, 6 Liberty ships, 2 CIVIL AIR PATROL PIPER CUBS, 1 CONSOLIDATED PBY-5A CATALINA, Willys, 5 inch shore guns, PT BOAT ARMED
    Objectives: Allied Liberty Ships and destroyers.

    Background: With the entry of United States into the war against Germany, German Admiral Karl Doenitz saw a chance to strike a strong blow against the
    unprotected American coasts. His plan, codenamed Operation Drumbeat, called for German submarines to hit unprotected shipping all along the US eastern coast.
    For the first six months of 1942, the Kriegsmarine ran amok along the US eastern seaboard and in the Carribean, sinking hundreds of ships for the loss of
    only a handful of U-boats. German submariners called the period "The great Atlantic turkey shoot" and "the second Happy Time." In response, the US
    government stationed coastal artillery troops along the eastern coast in Civil War era forts, flew anti-submarine patrols and armed aircraft of the Civil
    Air Patrol to attack any submarines they came accross. However, only the introduction of a convoy system along the US east coast in April of 1942 seriously
    cut down on the number of ships sunk.

    On this map, the goal for the Axis is to sink all 6 Liberty ships plus the 2 US destroyers. If these ships are sunk before the Axis team's tickets run out,
    the Axis will win. If they are not sunk, the Allies will win. Neither the Liberty ships nor the destroyers will re-spawn once sunk. The Allies' best assets
    are their aircraft, which are all armed with depth charges. Proper use of the Milkcow suply submarine will give the Axis a huge advantage by cutting down on
    the distance required to travel to re-arm the submarines.

    SPECIAL NOTES: Changes to Submarines:
    -Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 MG34 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."
    -Type IXB submarine has 22 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads (16 total) and 2 stern tubes with 2 reloads (6 total).
    -Type XIV submarine has no torpedoes, extra AAA (3x20mm), can resupply and repair submarines and torpedo boats.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Island Jungle

    Background: A fictional Pacific map with 2 large islands. Teams start off on opposite islands and must fight their way across.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: off the Solomon Islands
    Date: Mid 1943
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head on
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands and ocean

    USA: Gato class fleet submarine, Liberty Ship, CONSOLIDATED PBY-5A CATALINA, B-25 MITCHELL WITH DEPTH CHARGES.
    MIDGET SUBMARINE, Hatsuzuki class destroyers, Tsurumi class supply ships.

    Background: The German U-Boat campaign against the Allies is by far the most well-known submarine war of the Second World War, however, the United State's
    Navy's submarine campaign against Japan was far more effective. American Gato and Balao class submarines sank thousands of Japanese ships and over 200
    warships. On the Axis side, the Japanese fielded some of the most innovative submarine designs of the war, including midget submarines and submarines that
    carried aircraft. However, Japanese tactics focused onsingle sub patrols targeting enemy warships rather than shipping.

    This map is a fight for the Solomon Islands shipping lanes. There are 3 control points. Both sides have submarines and anti-submarine aircraft. The Americans
    have more submarines but their single supply ship is vulnerable. The Japanese have several supply ships and 2 destroyers.

    Changes to Submarines:
    -American Gato class Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Japanese B1 and C1 class submarines can view Arty cameras.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine has 1x5inch deck gun and 1x dual 25mm AA gun.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine has 18 torpedoes, 6 bow tubes with 2 reloads. No stern tubes.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine carries 1 Yokosuka E14Y floatplane, launched from a catapult on the bow.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine can repair and resupply E14Y floatplane.
    -E14Y floatplane carries pilot and tail gunner, 2 small bombs, can scout for artillery.
    -To launch the E14Y, first start the engine until it is running full throttle, and then press and hold the alternate fire button. This will catapult your
    plane into the air. The E14Y is slow, has a weak engine and is launched at an angle, so you must launch full throttle otherwise you will stall and dive into
    the ocean.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine has 1x5inch deck gun and 1x dual 25mm AA gun.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine has 24 torpedoes, 2 sets of 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads each. No stern tubes. The 2 sets of 4 bow tubes are controlled by fire
    and alt fire.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine carries 1 Ko-Hyoteki Type A class midget submarine.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine can re-supply the Ko-Hyoteki.
    -Ko-Hyoteki Type A class midget submarine carries 1 crew, is armed with 2 torpedoes in 2 tubes (controlled by fire and alt fire) with no reloads.
    -Ko-Hyoteki class is faster than any full-sized submarine, can stay submerged for longer.
    -To use the Ko-Hyoteki, you must enter it while the mother sub is surfaced. To leave the mother sub, you must push a directional key, like when using a
    landing craft. This will only work when the host sub is at least partially submerged, so launching the midget sub requires 2 people to work together.
    -All Japanese submarines have a shallower dive depth than their American and German counterparts.
    -American Gato class submarine has 1 3inch deck gun and 1x40mm Bofors AA gun.
    -American Gato class submarine 24 torpedoes, 6 bow tubes with 1 reload and 4 stern tubes with 3 reloads.
    -American Gato class can dive deeper than any Japanese or German submarine.
    -Fixed Gato damage system, hull textures and railing rendering bug.
    -B5N2 Kate is antisubmarine variant with radar and depth charges. Using the radar to search for surface targets requires the pilot to fly low over the ocean.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Xacto
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Western Germany
    Date: Spring 1945
    Theme: Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Hilly

    Background: This map takes place during the US advance into the Rhineland region in 1945. The American forces are driving towards Koblenz and the German
    defenders are attempting to check their advance.

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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: Britain vs. Italy
    Theater: North Africa
    Location: Unknown
    Date: Unknown
    Theme: Infantry/light tank
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Desert/Urban

    Background: A fictional battle over a small North African town. This is an infantry map with some light tanks in support.

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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Northern Solomons
    Date: Fall 1943
    Theme: Air
    Gameplay: Conquest-Double Objective (both sides attack and defend)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands and ocean
    USA: 6 Vought F4U Corsair, 2 P-38 Lightning, 2 North American B-25J Mitchell, 1 NORTH AMERICAN B-25G MITCHELL (WITH 75MM CANNON).
    Japan: 3 Mitsubishi G4M "Betty", 6 Mitsubishi A6M Zero-Sen, 1 Mitsubishi A6M2-N "Rufe", 2 KAWASAKI KI-45 TORYU.
    Allied Objectives: Destroy 2 Japanese hangars, 1 Japanese radar, 2 Japanese cargo ships.
    Axis Objectives: Destroy 1 American radar, 3 American quonset huts, 2 American moored PBY Catalinas, 2 American cargo ships.

    Background: All throughout 1943, a relatively unknown air war was raging over the Solomon Islands and New Guinea. US Marine Corps and Army pilots flew
    bombing raids against Japanese shipping and bases at Bogainville and Rabaul, and Imperial Japanese Navy and Army planes responded with bombing raids against
    Allied instalations and shipping. Wild dogfights between dozens of enemy fighters were common. The pilots sometimes even knew the opposing side's radio
    frequencies and would sometimes taunt each other over the airwaves. Many pilots on both sides became aces. One of the most famous Allied squadrons was the
    US Marine Corps Squadron VMF-214, known as the "Black Sheep." Commanded by the flambouyant Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, over a period of 5 months from
    August 1943 to January 1944 the Black Sheep shot down 204 Japanese aircraft, produced 8 aces (including Boyington who had 26 career victories before being
    shot down and captured) and sank several Japanese ships. Richard Bong, the highest scoring US ace of World War 2, scored many of his 40 victories flying
    his P-38 over the Solomons and New Guinea. On the Japanese side, the Tainan Air Group contained the highest scoring Japanese aces of the war. Petty Officer
    Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, the highest scoring Japanese ace, had 87 victories before being killed in 1944.

    This map is an objective based map. Both sides must destroy the other side's airfield facilities, radar and 2 supply ships docked in port. Allied
    coastwatchers have situated life rafts and supplies on certain islands to aid downed pilots.

    -The B-25G is armed with a 75mm cannon as well as 8 forwards-firing machine guns. The pilot can fire the cannon by pressing alt-fire. The cannon carries 21
    rounds. No bombs are carried by the B-25G.
    -Removed bombs from F4U Corsair. It's a pure fighter on this map.
    -Removed rockets from P-38 Lightning and moved 20mm cannon to the secondary fire position.
    -Removed artillery spotter fro A6M2-N Rufe, moved 20mm cannon to the secondary fire position.
    -Reduced B-25 bombload to 6.
    -Japanese Ki-45 KAId twin engine fighter has pilot, tail gunner, is armed with 2 20mm cannon and 1 37mm cannon.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: Britain vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Villers-Bocage, Normandy, France
    Date: June 13, 1944
    Theme: Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault (Germans attack)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Bocage/urban
    Britain: Cromwell tanks, Bren carrier APCs, Sherman Firefly tanks, Sexton SP artillery, 6 pounder antitank guns,
    Germany: Tiger tanks, Panzer IVG tanks, Wespe SP artillery, Sdkfz 222 armored scout cars

    Background: A major objective for the Britsh Army after the D-Day landings was the city of Caen. The British began advancing towards Caen shortly after the
    initial landings. Outside the town of Villers-Bocage, Waffen-SS Captain Michael Wittman spotted a column of British armor. Rather than reveal his position
    by calling for reinforcements over the radio, Wittman led his unit of Tiger tanks straight into the British despite being outnumbered ten to one. Wittman's
    Tiger crashed into the British armored column, driving along the length of the column blasting tanks and personnel carriers at close range. Wittman's Tiger
    rolled all the way into the town of Villers-Bocage before it was stopped by being blasted with a six-pounder antitank gun. Wittman and his crew escapted the
    wreckage and survived. All in all, the German force had destroyed 30 tanks for a loss of 11 of their own, and halted the British advance on Caen.

    This map is a close-quarters armored battle map. Fighting starts amongst the hedgerows and sunken lanes and moves into the town as the Germans advance.

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    By: Civius
    Teams: Finland vs. Russia
    Theater: Eastern Front
    Location: Vuoksi River
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Infantry/Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Forested

    Background: During the Russian offensive against Finland in 1944, the Vuoksi River line was a major Finnish defensive line. Although outnumbered,
    the Finns won several major victories against the Russian military, ensuring that Finland retained independence in a negotiated peace treaty.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Natty Wallo
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Siegfried Line
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Forested

    Background: This map takes place on the Belgian/German border in november 1944. The Allies are making a push against the German defences along the
    Siegfried Line. The Allies objective is to destroy the German artillery and finally take the Schmidt base. This is a Head-On map, the Allies can win
    by capturing all ControlPoints. The U.S. lost this fight in WW2, but in this map, as the first snow fall on Heurtgen Forest, they will get another chance. But
    in the heat of battle, not all soldiers can be heroes... ::: Based on the movie 'When Trumpets Fade'.

    -The wooden bridge east of the fox holes can be destroyed, it respawns as long as the allies have control over
    the American fox-holes.

  • Das Forum kann was neues!Datum25.11.2007 15:32
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Forum?!
    Ihr könnt ab jetzt auch direkt Forum Beiträge Zitiren!

  • Schüler vz?!Datum14.11.2007 19:51
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum FUN
  • --->VorratsdatenspeicherungDatum01.11.2007 12:31
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Laberecke

    Ich denke jeder hat schon davon in letzter Zeit gehört...
    Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung:

    Nach Plänen von CDU, CSU und SPD soll ab 2008 nachvollziehbar werden, wer mit wem in den letzten sechs Monaten per Telefon, Handy oder E-Mail in Verbindung gestanden oder das Internet genutzt hat. Bei Handy-Telefonaten und SMS soll auch der jeweilige Standort des Benutzers festgehalten werden. Anonymisierungsdienste sollen verboten werden.
    Mit Hilfe der über die gesamte Bevölkerung gespeicherten Daten können Bewegungsprofile erstellt, geschäftliche Kontakte rekonstruiert und Freundschaftsbeziehungen identifiziert werden. Auch Rückschlüsse auf den Inhalt der Kommunikation, auf persönliche Interessen und die Lebenssituation der Kommunizierenden werden möglich. Zugriff auf die Daten sollen Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft, Nachrichtendienste und ausländische Staaten erhalten, die sich davon eine verbesserte Strafverfolgung versprechen.

    Stand der Dinge

    CDU/CSU und SPD treiben derzeit einen Gesetzentwurf zur Einführung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Deutschland voran, über den der Bundestag voraussichtlich am 8. oder 9. November 2007 abstimmen wird.

    weitere Infos findet ihr hier:

    Was haltet ihr von dem Vorgehen unserer Politiker im Fall Vorratsdatenspeicherung?!

  • MarienkäferDatum26.10.2007 19:10
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum FUN

    So ich weiß es hätt auch in Funy Videos reingepasst nur dort gleube ich geht es unter hier einmal 3 (meinermeinung anch Witzige) Ultra schön animierte Filme über einen Marienkäfer. (Die Sounds)

    Spinnen Netz


    Liebes Geschichte

  • FH Neues FAN MAPPACK!Datum21.10.2007 20:25
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum ForgottenHope

    Es vollgt eine auflistung des Inhaltes des neuen Fan Mappacks

    -Vehicle names in ALL CAPS are CUSTOM MADE for the map.
    -Most of these new vehicles are modified FH or Bf1942 models. The only models and skins that I can take full credit for are the Cape Hatteras lighthouse,
    icebergs, PBY Catalina, Ki-45 Toryu and Ko-Hyoteki Type A midget submarine.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: Britain vs. Germany
    Theater: Arctic
    Location: Off the north coast of Norway.
    Date: Late 1942
    Theme: Sea/Air
    Gameplay: Conquest Head-on
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Night
    Terrain: Ocean
    Britain: 2 Fletcher class destroyers, 2 escort carriers, 6 Liberty Ships, 3 Fairey Swordfish armed with depth charges, 3 Grumman Martlet Mk.1 fighters.
    Germany: 3 Type VIIC U-boats, 1 TYPE IXB FLEET U-BOAT, 1 TYPE XIV "MILCHKUH" SUPPLY U-BOAT, 2 Torpedoschnellboot, 2 Ju88 bombers, 2 Bf109 fighters.

    Background: The United States began supplying lend-lease material to the United Kingdom and the USSR in 1941. Beacause of the Axis presence controlling
    access to the Baltic and Black Seas, there were only 3 ways to get war material to the USSR - by land through Iran, by sea to Vladivostok and then over
    4,000 miles of rail through Siberia, or by convoy through the Arctic Ocean around Norway to the northern ports of Archangelesk and Murmansk. The northern
    route was fraught with danger from the rough seas and icebergs, not to mention German surface raiders, U-boats and land based bombers. The most infamous
    Arctic convoy was PQ-17, which scattered due to a false report that the German battleship Tirpitz was headed towards the convoy. German U-boats and aircraft
    then picked off the transports one by one, sinking 24 out of 35 ships. These losses, coupled with losses on other convoys forced the Allies to wait until
    the arrival of winter to send out more convoys.

    This map takes place during "Polar Night", the time of year in the Arctic during which there is 24-hour darkness. The Northern Lights are in the sky, and
    uncharted icebergs dot the ocean. The Allied convoy is protected by 2 destroyers and 2 escort carriers. The Germans have a force of submarines and torpedo
    boats, as well as land based aircraft. The map is a conquest map with 3 control points in the ocean. The Allied Liberty Ships do not respawn when sunk. If
    you end up sunk, lifeboats are available. You'll need them - the water kills in minutes.

    SPECIAL NOTE: Changes to Submarines:
    -Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 MG34 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."
    -Type VIIC submarine has 1x88mm deck gun and 1x20mm AA gun.
    -Type VIIC submarine has 14 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 2 reloads (12 total) and 1 stern tube with 1 reload (2 total).
    -Type IXB submarine is larger and faster than Type VIIC, has greater torpedo capacity (22), more AA (2x20mm), has heavier deck gun (105mm), more HP's.
    -Type IXB submarine has 22 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads (16 total) and 2 stern tubes with 2 reloads (6 total).
    -Type XIV submarine has no torpedoes, extra AAA (3x20mm), can resupply and repair submarines and torpedo boats.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Real-BadSeed
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Philippines
    Location: Bataan Peninsula, Philippines
    Date: May 1942
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Hazy
    Terrain: Jungle Swamp

    Background: After capturing most of the Philippines, the remaining American and Filipino troops retreated to the Bataan Peninsula. There they prepared to
    make a last stand against the Japanese advance. This map takes place in a jungle swamp, with a river running down the middle.

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    By: Lili Marlene
    Teams: Canada vs. Germany
    Theater: Italy
    Location: Ortona, Italy
    Date: December 20-28, 1943
    Theme: Mixed Arms
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Mountainous

    Background: During the battles along the German Winter Line, the German-held town of Ortona straddled an important coastal road. Canadian soldiers were
    tasked with capturing the town, which they did after 8 days of bitter street fighting while suffering heavy casualties. This map takes place in mountainous
    coastal terrain.

    ************************************************** *********
    ************************************************** *********
    By: Real-BadSeed
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Leyte Gulf, Philippines
    Date: October 23-26, 1944
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Night
    Terrain: Ocean

    Background: The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the Imperial Japanese Navy's last great attempt to challenge the American fleet. This map recreates a nighttime
    attack by a Japanese battleship and destroyers against the US fleet.

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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: near Utah Beach, Normandy, France
    Date: June 6, 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Objective (Americans attack) (Conquest-Assault in Co-op/SP mode)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Overcast
    Terrain: Bocage/trenches
    USA: None
    Germany: LEFH18 105MM HOWITZER
    Objectives: Destroy all 4 German 105mm howitzers

    Background: In the morning of June 6, 1944, after the nighttime parachute drop into Normandy, Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st
    Airborne Division was tasked with silencing a German artillery battery of 4 105mm guns situated at Brecourt Manor, which were firing on Allied troops
    landing at Utah Beach. 17 men from Easy Company assaulted the trenches around the German guns, which were defended by around 60 German soldiers. The men
    were able to use the trenches as cover to spike the guns and withdraw under fire, returning later with reinforcements to mop up the remaining German

    This map is an objective based map. In multiplayer, the goal is for the Americans to attack the German trenches and destroy the guns with satchel charges.
    If the Americans do this before their tickets run out, they will win. If the Germans can hold them off until their tickets run out, the Germans will win.
    In singleplayer and co-op mode, the map is a Conquest-Assault map due to AI limitations.

    -101st Airborne skins are by Hanley and from the map The Attack on Carentan-1944 by Pvt. Allen. Used with permission.

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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Western Germany/Low Countries
    Date: Winter 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Foggy
    Terrain: Forest

    Background: This is a fictional map taking place in the forests of western Europe during the winter of 1944. This map takes place in densely forested
    terrain with snow on the ground.

    -Neither team has a permanent base on this map.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island Jungle
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands

    Background: This is a fictional battle over a Pacific island covered with jungle.

    ************************************************** *********
    ************************************************** *********
    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island Jungle
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands

    Background: This is a much bigger version of Island-16, intended for more players.

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    By: Bonta Kun
    Teams: Britain vs. Italy
    Theater: North Africa
    Location: North Africa
    Date: January 24, 1941
    Theme: Tanks/Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Desert

    Background: After the Italian invasion of Egypt, British forces launched a counterattack in December 1940 which decisively defeated the Italian forces, drove
    them out of Egypt and captured much of Libya. On January 24th, British and Australian troops fell upon retreating Italian forces near Mechili, knocking out
    9 Italian tanks for the loss of 1 cruiser tank and 6 light tanks.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Atlantic
    Location: Off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
    Date: Spring 1942
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Objective (Germans attack)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Ocean with barrier islands
    USA: 2 Fletcher class destroyers, 6 Liberty ships, 2 CIVIL AIR PATROL PIPER CUBS, 1 CONSOLIDATED PBY-5A CATALINA, Willys, 5 inch shore guns, PT BOAT ARMED
    Objectives: Allied Liberty Ships and destroyers.

    Background: With the entry of United States into the war against Germany, German Admiral Karl Doenitz saw a chance to strike a strong blow against the
    unprotected American coasts. His plan, codenamed Operation Drumbeat, called for German submarines to hit unprotected shipping all along the US eastern coast.
    For the first six months of 1942, the Kriegsmarine ran amok along the US eastern seaboard and in the Carribean, sinking hundreds of ships for the loss of
    only a handful of U-boats. German submariners called the period "The great Atlantic turkey shoot" and "the second Happy Time." In response, the US
    government stationed coastal artillery troops along the eastern coast in Civil War era forts, flew anti-submarine patrols and armed aircraft of the Civil
    Air Patrol to attack any submarines they came accross. However, only the introduction of a convoy system along the US east coast in April of 1942 seriously
    cut down on the number of ships sunk.

    On this map, the goal for the Axis is to sink all 6 Liberty ships plus the 2 US destroyers. If these ships are sunk before the Axis team's tickets run out,
    the Axis will win. If they are not sunk, the Allies will win. Neither the Liberty ships nor the destroyers will re-spawn once sunk. The Allies' best assets
    are their aircraft, which are all armed with depth charges. Proper use of the Milkcow suply submarine will give the Axis a huge advantage by cutting down on
    the distance required to travel to re-arm the submarines.

    SPECIAL NOTES: Changes to Submarines:
    -Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 MG34 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."
    -Type IXB submarine has 22 torpedoes, 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads (16 total) and 2 stern tubes with 2 reloads (6 total).
    -Type XIV submarine has no torpedoes, extra AAA (3x20mm), can resupply and repair submarines and torpedo boats.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Unknown
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Island
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Island Jungle

    Background: A fictional Pacific map with 2 large islands. Teams start off on opposite islands and must fight their way across.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: off the Solomon Islands
    Date: Mid 1943
    Theme: Sea
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head on
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands and ocean
    USA: Gato class fleet submarine, Liberty Ship, CONSOLIDATED PBY-5A CATALINA, B-25 MITCHELL WITH DEPTH CHARGES.
    MIDGET SUBMARINE, Hatsuzuki class destroyers, Tsurumi class supply ships.

    Background: The German U-Boat campaign against the Allies is by far the most well-known submarine war of the Second World War, however, the United State's
    Navy's submarine campaign against Japan was far more effective. American Gato and Balao class submarines sank thousands of Japanese ships and over 200
    warships. On the Axis side, the Japanese fielded some of the most innovative submarine designs of the war, including midget submarines and submarines that
    carried aircraft. However, Japanese tactics focused onsingle sub patrols targeting enemy warships rather than shipping.

    This map is a fight for the Solomon Islands shipping lanes. There are 3 control points. Both sides have submarines and anti-submarine aircraft. The Americans
    have more submarines but their single supply ship is vulnerable. The Japanese have several supply ships and 2 destroyers.

    Changes to Submarines:
    -American Gato class Can no longer view Arty cameras with deck gun.
    -Japanese B1 and C1 class submarines can view Arty cameras.
    -Submarines have 3 weapons slots: 1=Captain, pilots sub and fires torpedoes, 2=Deck gunner, 3=AA gunner.
    -Deck gunners and AA gunners will drown when the submarine dives. To avoid drowning, climb inside the submarine by pressing the "4" or "5" keys. (Special
    thanks to Captain_Henry at the FH forums for suggesting this).
    -Submarines have 2 machine guns mounted on the conning tower. You can't switch to these guns using number keys. Use these by going up to the gun and
    pressing "E."
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine has 1x5inch deck gun and 1x dual 25mm AA gun.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine has 18 torpedoes, 6 bow tubes with 2 reloads. No stern tubes.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine carries 1 Yokosuka E14Y floatplane, launched from a catapult on the bow.
    -Japanese Type B1 submarine can repair and resupply E14Y floatplane.
    -E14Y floatplane carries pilot and tail gunner, 2 small bombs, can scout for artillery.
    -To launch the E14Y, first start the engine until it is running full throttle, and then press and hold the alternate fire button. This will catapult your
    plane into the air. The E14Y is slow, has a weak engine and is launched at an angle, so you must launch full throttle otherwise you will stall and dive into
    the ocean.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine has 1x5inch deck gun and 1x dual 25mm AA gun.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine has 24 torpedoes, 2 sets of 4 bow tubes with 3 reloads each. No stern tubes. The 2 sets of 4 bow tubes are controlled by fire
    and alt fire.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine carries 1 Ko-Hyoteki Type A class midget submarine.
    -Japanese Type C1 submarine can re-supply the Ko-Hyoteki.
    -Ko-Hyoteki Type A class midget submarine carries 1 crew, is armed with 2 torpedoes in 2 tubes (controlled by fire and alt fire) with no reloads.
    -Ko-Hyoteki class is faster than any full-sized submarine, can stay submerged for longer.
    -To use the Ko-Hyoteki, you must enter it while the mother sub is surfaced. To leave the mother sub, you must push a directional key, like when using a
    landing craft. This will only work when the host sub is at least partially submerged, so launching the midget sub requires 2 people to work together.
    -All Japanese submarines have a shallower dive depth than their American and German counterparts.
    -American Gato class submarine has 1 3inch deck gun and 1x40mm Bofors AA gun.
    -American Gato class submarine 24 torpedoes, 6 bow tubes with 1 reload and 4 stern tubes with 3 reloads.
    -American Gato class can dive deeper than any Japanese or German submarine.
    -Fixed Gato damage system, hull textures and railing rendering bug.
    -B5N2 Kate is antisubmarine variant with radar and depth charges. Using the radar to search for surface targets requires the pilot to fly low over the ocean.

    ************************************************** *********
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    By: Xacto
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Western Germany
    Date: Spring 1945
    Theme: Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Hilly

    Background: This map takes place during the US advance into the Rhineland region in 1945. The American forces are driving towards Koblenz and the German
    defenders are attempting to check their advance.

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    By: RussianComrade
    Teams: Britain vs. Italy
    Theater: North Africa
    Location: Unknown
    Date: Unknown
    Theme: Infantry/light tank
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Desert/Urban

    Background: A fictional battle over a small North African town. This is an infantry map with some light tanks in support.

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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: USA vs. Japan
    Theater: Pacific
    Location: Northern Solomons
    Date: Fall 1943
    Theme: Air
    Gameplay: Conquest-Double Objective (both sides attack and defend)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Islands and ocean
    USA: 6 Vought F4U Corsair, 2 P-38 Lightning, 2 North American B-25J Mitchell, 1 NORTH AMERICAN B-25G MITCHELL (WITH 75MM CANNON).
    Japan: 3 Mitsubishi G4M "Betty", 6 Mitsubishi A6M Zero-Sen, 1 Mitsubishi A6M2-N "Rufe", 2 KAWASAKI KI-45 TORYU.
    Allied Objectives: Destroy 2 Japanese hangars, 1 Japanese radar, 2 Japanese cargo ships.
    Axis Objectives: Destroy 1 American radar, 3 American quonset huts, 2 American moored PBY Catalinas, 2 American cargo ships.

    Background: All throughout 1943, a relatively unknown air war was raging over the Solomon Islands and New Guinea. US Marine Corps and Army pilots flew
    bombing raids against Japanese shipping and bases at Bogainville and Rabaul, and Imperial Japanese Navy and Army planes responded with bombing raids against
    Allied instalations and shipping. Wild dogfights between dozens of enemy fighters were common. The pilots sometimes even knew the opposing side's radio
    frequencies and would sometimes taunt each other over the airwaves. Many pilots on both sides became aces. One of the most famous Allied squadrons was the
    US Marine Corps Squadron VMF-214, known as the "Black Sheep." Commanded by the flambouyant Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, over a period of 5 months from
    August 1943 to January 1944 the Black Sheep shot down 204 Japanese aircraft, produced 8 aces (including Boyington who had 26 career victories before being
    shot down and captured) and sank several Japanese ships. Richard Bong, the highest scoring US ace of World War 2, scored many of his 40 victories flying
    his P-38 over the Solomons and New Guinea. On the Japanese side, the Tainan Air Group contained the highest scoring Japanese aces of the war. Petty Officer
    Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, the highest scoring Japanese ace, had 87 victories before being killed in 1944.

    This map is an objective based map. Both sides must destroy the other side's airfield facilities, radar and 2 supply ships docked in port. Allied
    coastwatchers have situated life rafts and supplies on certain islands to aid downed pilots.

    -The B-25G is armed with a 75mm cannon as well as 8 forwards-firing machine guns. The pilot can fire the cannon by pressing alt-fire. The cannon carries 21
    rounds. No bombs are carried by the B-25G.
    -Removed bombs from F4U Corsair. It's a pure fighter on this map.
    -Removed rockets from P-38 Lightning and moved 20mm cannon to the secondary fire position.
    -Removed artillery spotter fro A6M2-N Rufe, moved 20mm cannon to the secondary fire position.
    -Reduced B-25 bombload to 6.
    -Japanese Ki-45 KAId twin engine fighter has pilot, tail gunner, is armed with 2 20mm cannon and 1 37mm cannon.

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    By: Megaraptor
    Teams: Britain vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Villers-Bocage, Normandy, France
    Date: June 13, 1944
    Theme: Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault (Germans attack)
    Modes: Conquest, Co-op, SP
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Bocage/urban
    Britain: Cromwell tanks, Bren carrier APCs, Sherman Firefly tanks, Sexton SP artillery, 6 pounder antitank guns,
    Germany: Tiger tanks, Panzer IVG tanks, Wespe SP artillery, Sdkfz 222 armored scout cars

    Background: A major objective for the Britsh Army after the D-Day landings was the city of Caen. The British began advancing towards Caen shortly after the
    initial landings. Outside the town of Villers-Bocage, Waffen-SS Captain Michael Wittman spotted a column of British armor. Rather than reveal his position
    by calling for reinforcements over the radio, Wittman led his unit of Tiger tanks straight into the British despite being outnumbered ten to one. Wittman's
    Tiger crashed into the British armored column, driving along the length of the column blasting tanks and personnel carriers at close range. Wittman's Tiger
    rolled all the way into the town of Villers-Bocage before it was stopped by being blasted with a six-pounder antitank gun. Wittman and his crew escapted the
    wreckage and survived. All in all, the German force had destroyed 30 tanks for a loss of 11 of their own, and halted the British advance on Caen.

    This map is a close-quarters armored battle map. Fighting starts amongst the hedgerows and sunken lanes and moves into the town as the Germans advance.

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    By: Civius
    Teams: Finland vs. Russia
    Theater: Eastern Front
    Location: Vuoksi River
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Infantry/Tanks
    Gameplay: Conquest-Assault
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Forested

    Background: During the Russian offensive against Finland in 1944, the Vuoksi River line was a major Finnish defensive line. Although outnumbered,
    the Finns won several major victories against the Russian military, ensuring that Finland retained independence in a negotiated peace treaty.

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    By: Natty Wallo
    Teams: USA vs. Germany
    Theater: Western Europe
    Location: Siegfried Line
    Date: 1944
    Theme: Infantry
    Gameplay: Conquest-Head On
    Modes: Conquest
    Visibility: Clear
    Terrain: Forested

    Background: This map takes place on the Belgian/German border in november 1944. The Allies are making a push against the German defences along the
    Siegfried Line. The Allies objective is to destroy the German artillery and finally take the Schmidt base. This is a Head-On map, the Allies can win
    by capturing all ControlPoints. The U.S. lost this fight in WW2, but in this map, as the first snow fall on Heurtgen Forest, they will get another chance. But
    in the heat of battle, not all soldiers can be heroes... ::: Based on the movie 'When Trumpets Fade'.

    -The wooden bridge east of the fox holes can be destroyed, it respawns as long as the allies have control over
    the American fox-holes.

    Quelle: Pixel-fighter Forum

  • Fehler?!Datum21.10.2007 11:43
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Historik
    Ich habe noch mal seid langen in einem bestimmten Buch geblättert
    "Panzer und andere Kampffahrzeuge" was in der Buch und Zeit Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Köln erschienen ist.
    In diese In der Sektion Deutsche Schwere Panzer Findet sich ein Bericht über den Tiger II.
    Unter diesem Knappen Bericht erstreckt sich ein fast DinA4 großes Bild mit einer Kolonne vermeidlicher Tiger II Panzer.
    Nach meinem Wissen sind dies Aber keine Tiger sondern Panther Panzer.
    Hierfür spricht aus meiner Sicht allein schon die Menge der Panzer...
    Die etwas dünneren Ketten und das Turmluk ebenfalls die Anbringung des Auspuffes...


    Was halltet ihr davon?
  • DokumentationenDatum19.10.2007 18:45
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Historik

    So hab mal ne Seite gefunden wo man sich sehr viele Dokumentationen Runterladen kann!
    NAtürlich auch zum Bereich 2. Weltkrieg....
    Quelle Forum Der Wehrmacht.

  • Datum12.10.2007 21:26
    Thema von Steppenwolf im Forum Laberecke

    Falls sich irgend einer dafür interessiert es gibt da ne Homepage auf die ich gestoßen bin weil ich nach orten gesucht habe wo auch schon einmal ar und ich mich für Bunker bauten und des sonstigen um den Westwall(bei mir vor der Tür) interessiere
    wollt ich euch mal die Seite nah legen!

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