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  • Game against 11PzG?Datum26.08.2007 12:37
    Thema von [11PzG]matyast im Forum Fight us

    Would you guys be interested in a match sometime next weekend? Or in September?

  • Forgotten Hamster Tournament!Datum13.08.2007 10:14
    Thema von [11PzG]matyast im Forum Clan ?!
    First of all, I would like to apologize here, I cannot speak German, so I hope this goes in the right section.

    ForgottenHamsters are planning to make a tournament.

    This will be a sort of test-run, with good and popular maps, suitable for 8+ player games. It would be good to have you guys on board. Rules are being made as we speak, so if you have any special reasonable requests, we will take them into consideration. Would you be interested?
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